El camino del héroe - The path of the hero

El camino del héroe

Pocas veces uno puede presenciar grandes conquistas. Quizá la de este año sea una de ellas que resume el camino del héroe. Un camino de hechizos, de lepra, de llanto. Un drama. Para nosotros una historia de amor.

Al principio, generalmente siempre se trata de un personaje anónimo, era un desconocido allende su comarca. Dicen que nació en un barrio de leprosos y que una bruja, que había visto el futuro llena de envidia, le lanzó una maldición. Este individuo emprende un viaje en busca de una cura para liberarse del hechizo y se aleja de su tierra para comenzar a recorrer un camino nuevo, lleno de dificultades, lleno de desafíos siguiendo un sueño. 

Fue recibido por en un Reino en donde sus magos lograron superar la maldición. Entonces, recién ahí pudo comenzar a entrenar a pleno. Los éxitos comienzan a llegar. Ya no se trata de un desconocido, de un anónimo, su nombre comienza a tomar vuelo. Es viroteado, aplaudido en una de las cortes del nuevo Reino. Con pases de héroes de ese entonces terminó su formación. Llegó así al reconocimiento absoluto, pero desde su tierra le llamaron "el extranjero". 

Alzó los colores de su tierra natal y los defendió de joven exitosamente. El éxito de su empresa se vuelve estrepitoso. Su nombre brilla en el mundo. Fue tentado en defender otros colores, los colores del Reino que le curó su maldición pero el héroe se negó. En el camino de la defensa de los colores de su terruño estrechó la mano de dios. Sin embargo, los logros no lo acompañaron con la misma suerte en los desafíos que enfrentó en defensa de su tierra y fue duramente cuestionado por los chamanes de las palabras. El reconocido héroe, afligido, casi sin comprender la reacción de sus compatriotas se refugió en el amor de su familia. Con ellos reflexionó.  Y recordó sus orígenes. 

Y, se puso de pie para continuar luchando por el sueño propio y colectivo. Y tropezó otra vez. Y una más. Y otra. Y se volvió a poner de pie una y otra vez. Con una sonrisa, con ánimo, con amor. Quizá la parte más rica de esta gesta es que el héroe aún con toda su riqueza, con todas sus posibilidades no podría nunca adquirir ese sueño esquivo. Un sueño que no tenía precio y sólo podía lograrse al superarse las pruebas. Tuvo desencuentros, pero no bajo los brazos. Continuó en su larga marcha para el logro de la mayor proeza y su esfuerzo fue coronado en tierra de grandes guerreros, en la tierra de los djinn. Con una gran equipo Allí abrazó el sueño propio y colectivo

Esta es la historia de Lionel Andrés Messi. Futbolista. Argentino. Rosarino. Soñador. Inspirador. 

Desde @GamesofTurtle rendimos este humilde homenaje un padre de familia que con esfuerzo cumplió su sueño. 

Muchas gracias! 


(english version)

The path of the hero

Seldom one can witness great conquests. Maybe this year´s deed sums up the way of the hero. A way full of spells, leprosy, and crying. A drama. But to us, a love story. 

In the beginning, it´s usually about an anonymous character. He was a stranger beyond his shire. It´s said that he was born in a leppers´ neighborhood and that a witch, full of envy had beheld the future and cursed him. This man sets out on a journey seeking a cure for the spell and moves away from his land to start to travel a new path, full of hardships and challenges, chasing a dream. 

He is welcomed in a realm in whose sorcerers sought to beat the curse. And that´s how he could start training fully. Successes gradually popped up. He is no longer an unknown, anonymous, he makes a name for himself. He is cheered, and applauded by that realm´s courts. He grew up and trained with the heroes of that time until he finished his training. Thus he reached absolute recognition, but from his land they called him "the foreigner." 

He raised the colors of his homeland and defended them bravely. His journey´s success precedes him. His name is now known worldwide. He was tempted to stand for other colors, for instance, those of the realm that found a cure to his curse but our hero stood his ground. In his way of defending his homeland´s colors, he shook God´s hand. He defeated various enemies and bosses. Nevertheless, his achievements didn´t follow him with the same luck as the challenges he faced while defending his land, and was heavily questioned by the shamans of words from his land. The acknowledged hero, sorrowful, and almost disabled to understand his fellows´ reactions, sheltered himself in the love of his family. He reflected with them and remembered his origins. 

And, he stood up to continue fighting for his own and collective dream. And he stumbled again. And one more. And another. And he got back to his feet again and again. With a smile, with encouragement, with love. Perhaps the richest part of his achieve is that the hero, even with all his wealth, with all his possibilities, could never get that elusive dream. A dream that was priceless and could only be achieved by passing the tests. He had disagreements, but not low his arms. He continued on his long march to the accomplishment of the greatest deed and his effort was crowned in the land of great warriors, in the land of the djinn. With a great team There he embraced his own and collective dream

This is the story of Lionel Andrés Messi. Soccer player. The GOAT. Argentinian. Rosarino. Dreamer. Inspiring.

From @GamesofTurtle we pay this humble tribute to a family man who with effort fulfilled his dream.

Thanks a lot!

Inside Eärlindë Tolkien: Medieval Fair Expo

As we have promised, from Games Of Turtle, we share the photos inside the Eärlindë Fair Expo. Most likely the medieval fair is similar, but it is always good to see how it is done in another place.

We thank you, IG @vinas.escribe for the collaboration. Who made it possible for us to have the material to spread it.

As we all know, in this type of fairs we find different proposals. Among them we can list, fencing, art, tatoos, cosplay... among many other things....Here some pics.

Some craft



Interview #3: Brent Norton @KillerDm74

On Halloween 2022, we opened this new section. In this opportunity approaching Christmas we are going to talk to a friend, a great person: Brent Norton @KillerDm74

As far as we know, a fan of sword and sorcery art, role-playing games, probably among many other things...So, as we said, with great emotion and very happy we start by presenting: @KillerDm74

From the Army of the West to Banukopa and the Toloidragons

    The time of relative peace in the region of the free cities ended when the Army of the West advanced on small kingdoms and cities that made up the best known trade routes. Since then, the free regions have been on alert. Although the roads were still in use, fear began to grip them. The dark pacts pushed the army of the West against the army of the free cities. In that final battle, the powers behind those pacts emerged and took the lives of several gods. It was a pyrrhic victory for the free cities, as the skalds say, won by the difference in weight between a feather and a scale.

    With no time to rebuild ancient Toloi vibrated once more announcing the arrival of Banukopa, the master of the Toloidragons that now ravage the entire continent. And just as Benden fell, others will fall...