From the Army of the West to Banukopa and the Toloidragons

    The time of relative peace in the region of the free cities ended when the Army of the West advanced on small kingdoms and cities that made up the best known trade routes. Since then, the free regions have been on alert. Although the roads were still in use, fear began to grip them. The dark pacts pushed the army of the West against the army of the free cities. In that final battle, the powers behind those pacts emerged and took the lives of several gods. It was a pyrrhic victory for the free cities, as the skalds say, won by the difference in weight between a feather and a scale.

    With no time to rebuild ancient Toloi vibrated once more announcing the arrival of Banukopa, the master of the Toloidragons that now ravage the entire continent. And just as Benden fell, others will fall...

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